Friday, June 1, 2012

Say Hello, Wave Goodbye

I've been spending my evening getting my place ready for guests tomorrow while listening to my fav music on shuffle.  One song just came along that i haven't heard in a while.  I love how a song can bring you back to a certain period in your life and how the memory of that moment makes you realize how far you've come, how better off you are without that certain someone.  I am so thankful I found the courage to leave that jackhole so many years ago.  And now I am glad to say that I am actually thankful for the most miserable years of my life.  They taught me everything I never want to be and everything I never want in my life.  He may have diminished my very being, but not for long.  He only made me stronger.

Trust me when I say that no one is making you unhappy but yourself.....NO ONE.  You are the only one that can give that kind of power to someone else.  If you're not happy, take that power back.  Make a change in your life.  If someone drains the soul out of you, say goodbye and don't look back.  Quit holding onto something/someone that brings you down.  Quit blaming others for your problems.  Figure out what those problems are, where they came from and then deal with them and move on.  Life really is that simple.  You just need to learn to loosen your attachments.  Live free.  Be happy.

The song that inspired this blog........."Say Hello Wave Goodbye" - David Gray