Friday, September 21, 2012

Moving Right Along....

Last month I turned 35.  I'm so close to 40 it's frightening.  But, I'm ok with it.  It's just weird, getting older that is.  I'm 35 but most times I still feel like I'm in my 20's.  Although, I am completely satisfied that my 20's are over.  Some mornings I wake up and feel every bit of 35.  Birthdays and new years always seem to make me evaluate my life and where I am.  This birthday has me feeling pretty great.

I am buying a house!  This is terrifying and exciting all at the same time.  I am completely wrapped up in this process and most times it is overwhelming.  Not only am I buying a house, I am also making big plans for renovating it before I move in.   Paperwork, paperwork, decisions, decisions.  Closing date is October 19th.  I am ready to get all this stuff over with so I can just enjoy my new place.

MY place.  My very own house.  No more throwing money away on rent.  This is exciting stuff.

Other than the temporary stresses of becoming a new homeowner, life is pretty sweet. Although, there has been some drama thrown at me.  But to that drama I say, "You will not penetrate my serenity.  You do not have the power to destroy me".  I don't do petty.

Moving right along..........